Cellhire’s IoT Connectivity For IT & Networking Service Providers

Expand your portfolio, attract new customers and capture new revenue with Cellhire’s IoT connectivity.

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Connected IoT devices

IoT Connectivity can unlock new opportunities for your IT & networking customers

For IT & networking service providers, IoT connectivity presents a new opportunity to enter new sectors and expand your service offerings. With the proliferation of connected devices across various industries, there is a growing demand for robust, secure, and scalable network solutions.

To maximise the potential of IoT connectivity, partnering with a trusted provider like Cellhire can make all the difference. With Cellhire's extensive global network coverage, competitive pricing, and exceptional customer support, providers can offer their clients reliable and secure IoT connectivity solutions. Cellhire's expertise in mobile communications ensures that IoT devices remain connected and operational, no matter where they are deployed.

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Why choose Cellhire?

O2, EE, Vodafone logos
Uninterrupted serviceThanks to our access to all four UK networks, providing maximum coverage across the country
International connectivitySupport your customer’s international connectivity needs with our permanent roaming, multi-network SIM card providing coverage in 191 countries across 430+ networks
Pound currency symbol
Competitive pricesBenefit from using Cellhire’s own mobile network, unlocking the most competitive prices for IoT data available on the market
Secure wireless communication
Safe and secureOffer safe and secure solutions with our fixed private and public IP options with L2TP, ensuring your customer’s data is always protected
Secure communication tower
Optimal coverageEnsure optimal coverage for your customers thanks to our SIM card which will connect the device to the network with the best signal
SIM Management Portal on device
SIM management portalProvide your customer with complete visibility of their SIM estate with Atlas, our leading SIM management portal, personalised to match your brand’s identity

IoT connectivity solutions that you can rely on

Comms Business Awards 2024: Best Wireless Connectivity Provider, IoT Connectivity
Comms Business Awards 2024: Best Connectivity Solution, Wholesale eSIM
Mobile News Awards 2022 Winner: Best IoT Service Application
Comms National Awards 2021 Winner: Best Mobile/IoT Customer Solution

IoT connectivity use cases for IT & networking service providers

IT & networking service providers can access a range of new customers and sectors by offering IoT connectivity solutions. With each sector comes a unique set of opportunities and challenges, allowing providers to tailor their offerings to meet specific industry needs.

Photo of an eSIM

Download your guide to Cellhire’s IoT connectivity for IT & networking service providers

We’ve pulled together everything you need to know about Cellhire’s IoT connectivity solutions from the range of services we offer to the audiences that you can support by adopting our solution.

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